What The Top Brands Are Doing on Facebook in 2015
With over 1.2 Billion users, Facebook still is king of social media and the most utilized platform for people to socially interact with their friends and family. Brands are no different in their usage of this platform to raise awareness and attract new customers to their service or product. Although there are a variety of strategies that companies can adopt to see exceptional Facebook results, here are 8 easy ways to approach your company’s Facebook page that will see guaranteed positive results.
1. Be consistent.
I am not sure how to stress this one enough with all social media campaigns, especially Facebook. Develop a consistent time and frequency (I recommend once a day for most brands) to post and stick to it! You will see positive results from building and maintaining a consistent publishing schedule.
2. Don’t treat a company page like your personal one.
Think about an entire brand story and rationale that goes into each post for your company. The majority of posts should be well thought out in advance and developed in a way to attract maximum conversion and engagement. Quick, responsive posts are rarely appropriate for the business presence on Facebook.
3. Utilize your cover photo well.
This is prime real estate on your page so make sure you are utilizing it to the max. This is a place you want to have quality design and a strong representation of your brand or product offering. Don’t make it boring and don’t make it static.
A few examples of some positive cover photos:
McDonald's has a crisp, clean design that is timely for the upcoming holiday.
Celebrity runs a campaign to drive conversation and interaction with their facebook page with the prize bring featured as the cover of a page with over 500,000 fans.
4. Capitalize on photo and video
Video posts make up more than half and typically result in more engagement overall. Utilize photos that are unique and representative of your brand and product offering. Create quick :15 second videos that fit Facebook’s criteria and remember not to rely on sound to get your message across - that is an “opt in” feature.
Disney historically does a great job with this and sees a TON of shares and comments on their video posts:
5. Place a Call To Action on your page.
This is a new feature that Facebook has started rolling out this year and an important one. While there are limited options on what you can do with this CTA, it is vital that you incorporate it into your page. Think of what makes sense for your brand and be willing to try a variety of buttons to see what works with your customers.
6. Make sure your profile is filled out completely.
This seems so simple and obvious but you would be surprised how many pages I come across that are not filled out completely. Have a phone number, your business hours, information about your company, etc. It starts with the basics.
7. Monitor your insights.
I am also always amazed by people who do not have a good understanding of the analytics that Facebook offer (in a fairly easy to understand format.) At the very least, you should be looking at these stats on a weekly basis:
- Your week’s posts - see what is working and share more content like it
- Your demographics - who are your customers on Facebook and what type of messaging will appeal to them?
- Time and location info - what days work best for your company and where are people that access your content. Speak to these consumers at times when they choose to access it.
8. Look to your competitors.
Facebook has a very easy way to “watch” other pages that you choose. Populating this with your competitors allows you to benchmark your progress and engagement compared to theirs. I recommend looking at any direct competition, preferably with companies that have a similar fan base on Facebook as your company does.
See? Those things don’t sound too difficult, do they? Looking at these 8 things can really make a huge difference in your Facebook success. Want some help? You know who to call.