Travel Blog

A Reflection on 2023

2023 was an incredible year of adventure for me - filled with many wonderful memories and learning moments. For my 40th year on this planet, I visited all 7 continents and tried to learn and reshape my perspective on life. I made tons of new friends and rethought my relationships with others. I tried new things and pushed myself out of my comfort zone. I spent time in new places with some wonderful travel companions and also went to cities without knowing a single person. I fed elephants, sailed on ships, saw the sun rise over Siem Reap, ate new foods, wore new clothes, stayed at some beautiful hotels, and hung out with some kangaroos but mostly… I listened. If anyone asks my number one reason for traveling, my answer is easy - to learn about others. There is no more valuable experience than going to a coffee shop or a pub and getting into conversation with someone new.

There were times I felt lonely, excited, irritated, amazed, and certainly tired but mostly I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. I believe the more we see, the better we understand ourselves and the better we are able to relate to other people. I hope the lessons I’ve learned this year, the people I’ve met, and the memories I’ve made impact me for the rest of my life. Thanks to all the many people who helped shape this year in some way.

Gregory KiepComment