Guess What The MOST VIEWED YouTube Video Is?! — Gregory Kiep

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Gregory Kiep is the premier marketer and promoter for gay events, gay travel, and promotion. Based in Provincetown, he has travelled around numerous markets making connections and talking about his travels to places like Provincetown, NYC, Los Angeles, Fort Lauderdale, Mykonos, South America, Europe, Nice, and more.


Guess What The MOST VIEWED YouTube Video Is?!

There are about 82,000,000 videos on YouTube. Started by early employees of PayPal, the site is largest video content repository in the world. So, of these almost 1 Billion videos, which one has the most views, ever? The answer is ...

That's right, the most viewed video is PSY's Gangnam Style with over 2 BILLION views. 

Speaking of YouTube, few people understand how important it can be to their overall SEO and Marketing campaigns. Since YouTube was purchased by Google in 2006, its importance has become increasingly more important in the content game. As you know, Google is the largest search network and loves itself a lot when it comes to promoting your website in its search results. 

The more "google elements" you can pull into your website, the more favorably Google will look at it. This means YouTube. This means using Google maps on your contact page. This means having a Google + account. You get the idea.

Additionally, as one of the largest collection of PAGES on the internet, YouTube results rank high in web searches because they have a lot of credibility (according to Google). It is the same reason Yelp listings rank so high in Google results - they have a ton of pages, making them an "expert" in Google's eyes.

Want to chat about integrating a video content campaign into your strategy? You know who to call :)

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